You may pay your personal property or real estate taxes online, using your checking or savings account, credit card, or pin-less debit card. After four steps on our website, you will be transferred to our payment service website to make your payment. Checking and savings account payments are processed by Bank of America and credit card payments are processed by ACI Payments, Inc.
Online tax payments can take up to two business days to process, therefore, if you need a 'paid' receipt now, do not pay online. The only way to receive a receipt immediately, is to pay in person at one of our offices.
You may print a personal property tax receipt from the personal property search page and a real estate receipt from the real estate search page. If you are unable to print a receipt, please email [email protected] or call 314-615-5500 for a receipt to be mailed to you.
Online tax receipts are accepted at Missouri Department of Revenue license offices for license plat renewals, however, a copy of the online payment confirmation page will not accepted.
Our online tax payment system can only accept payments in full. Partial payments are accepted via mail and at our offices.
Only debit cards that can be used without a pin, are accepted. In other words, if you debit card requires a pin number to be entered for all uses, you cannot use that card to make your payment.
Credit card payments can also be made by phone at 1-877-309-9306. Additional processing time and fees are identical to the online credit/debit card payments.
Enter either your personal property account number or real estate locator number.
Note that many personal property account numbers begin with the letter I and not the number one and the third character of all locator numbers is always an alphabet letter, such as the letter "O" and the rest are numbers.
Tax due amounts are shown for every year in which taxes are owed. You must pay the full amount as partial payments are not accepted online.
If you do not owe any taxes, then the last payment information will be shown.
If you want to pay with a checking or savings account, then choose the electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment method. No convenience fee will apply. EFT payments below $1.00 or over $499,999.99 cannot be made online.
If you want to pay with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card then choose debit/credit card payment method. A convenience fee will apply, which will be shown when you select the debit/credit card payment method.
Your tax billing address information is shown and you may update your personal property or real estate tax billing address for our records. Updating your address information is optional as you may still complete your online tax payment and update your address at another time.
Clicking the next button in step 4 will transfer you to our payment service website, which will guide you through the final steps of completing your tax payment.
Checking and savings account payments are processed by Bank of America and credit card payments are processed by ACI Payments, Inc.